Monday, May 23, 2011

Juggling a job search, a part-time job, household chores and staying sane

I have never learned how to juggle but it sure looks like fun.  What is not fun and I have learned to juggle is - and am still practicing - is juggling my job search, my part-time job, and cooking and cleaning and maintaining the household.  Am I sane?  Well that depends on when you ask.

When my house is clean, I cooked a nice meal for the family, sent out a few resumes to promising job openings and finished a day of work at the cafe I feel like I've got a good handle on things.  When one of these tasks is out of whack, well then, duck and cover.

My house isn't terribly large but having 2 floors and lugging cleaning supplies and the vacuum cleaner up the stairs, it seems so...daunting.  And having a furry grey cat prone to shedding and a rambunctious 9 month old puppy who occasionally still has accidents, its a recipe for disaster.  Grey fur tumbleweeds can build quickly, even after 2 days so it seems the house constantly needs vacuuming.  And finding a "gift" from the dog in a random place is always a surprise.

Ooh, I forgot all about the laundry!

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