Monday, July 11, 2011

Back to high heels?

After 2.5 years of collecting unemployment, working part time jobs and freelancing in the marketing field, I have a full-time job which begins on July 18.  To say I am excited is putting it lightly.

Wisely I've spent all of my "down time" from work as a learning opportunity, attending webinars on the latest in SEO, social media marketing, and taken a few courses in .html, business ethics, and web based copy writing - all to keep me up to date and ready to hit the ground running.  Marketing strategies are becoming more and more web based and if you miss something you're at a serious disadvantage.

One of the new pairs of  high heels
I bought - love them!
High me they represent fulfillment of a "dream" for lack of a better word.  I am going to be working - in my industry to boot - and able to add value to my new employer. 

I do feel a bit anxious, but also raring to go.  I can again represent a company I am proud of and earn a paycheck based on my hard work; and contribute more equally to the income flowing into my household.

Yes, I know unemployment is there and was there when I needed it, but I always felt like I was taking a hand out.  I vowed I'd sleep in my car before I would take any further hand outs after my unemployment benefits were exhausted.  Hence my working part time at a coffee cafe', a job similar to what I did as a teenager. I am not too proud nor ever was to do any job it takes to take care of my family.

My husband has been an endless source of support - giving me pep talks during the long job search, sitting quietly in the office with me while I did some of my freelance copy writing, helping around the house.

So I am again dipping the toe of my high heeled shoe back into the marketing waters...and I'm going to love every  minute of it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Surviving the summer while working from home

 Whew, its hot. As I type this its a scorching 91 degrees outside.

My first thoughts during the summer always roam to a visit to the shoreline, some cold iced tea, a good book, and I never forget the sunscreen.  This all changes when you work from home.

As I said in a previous post, time management is key when you work for yourself.  Nothing is going to get done if you play hooky, put on your bathing suit and run through the sprinkler; there are no co-workers to cover for you. 

Currently I have 2 projects and 1 part-time job so dedication and a good work ethic are in order.  I've always been dedicated and fiercely loyal to my employers so why should that change now that my boss is me?  That's right, it doesn't. 
Dash, my favorite co-worker
However, distractions abound - a puppy that needs attention and taken out for potty breaks, a pile of laundry beckoning me to be washed, planning for dinner, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, etc., etc, etc.  Maybe I can teach my puppy to type - now that would be a feat and an idea for a business.  And a puppy is a great co-worker.  They are always happy to see you and are awfully cute; and they will work for kibble and a pat on the head.

Work comes first, choosing which particular project needs immediate attention and spreading my time evenly amongst my deadlines.  Plus the added need to track mileage and expenses, send invoices and confirm receipt and follow up to ensure payment.

I've become somewhat of a "hermit" for lack of a better description.  I spend my days inside at my desk, writing, researching, and processing invoices and purchase orders.  My source of outdoors is a window in front of my desk and those puppy potty breaks I mentioned. 

My feedback and employee "review" is knowing the work I've done meets approval and even exceeds expectations.  And that is enough to keep me going and striving to do the best work I can.

So next time you are sitting at your desk - be it at home or in an office - remember that shoreline, some cold iced tea, and a good book aren't going anywhere and will be ready for you when your work day is over. 

And don't forget that sunscreen!