Monday, May 16, 2011

Entering a new world - the world of working as an independent consultant

Finally things seem to be turning a bit my way - I see some dim light at the end of the tunnel and it doesn't look like a high speed train.  I accepted my first independent consulting job for a company, working approximately 20 hours per week on a potential 3 month contract.  Please pardon my excitement for a moment...WOOHOO!!

I've never worked on a contract basis, so naturally I am a bit nervous.  But a few hours at the computer researching the independent consultant worker and its description and needed paper work, I am much more confident.  I had my first meeting last Friday, and put on some dress work clothes and high heels - the first heels I've worn in quite a while!  My meeting went well and my contract has officially begun. 

For those of my readers who are also independent consultants, I found an excellent website resource

One of the key things to remember as an independent consultant is the safeguarding and security of your client's information.  When hired you become a trusted representative of the company and it is your duty to ensure all materials shared with you remain confidential with a capital "C".

As for my new project, I have felt and heard my "wheels turning" as I play potential scenarios and time lines out in my head.  I am eager to tackle this project and do a good job, and hope this contract may turn into something more.  It also provides me with the opportunity to dust off and sharpen my skills.  Copy writing and design direction - I love taking something a bit outdated and giving it a fresh and shiny new "face".

So new consulting job - blast off!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You're capable of great things, and I'm happy for you for this opportunity. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Meanwhile, I'll keep reading here!
