Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Taking charge while laid off...

For me, being laid off was like a death in the family.  My persona for over 12 years, my career "identity" was gone. 

I began my marketing communications manager job as a marketing assistant and with blood, sweat, tears and a bit of good luck moved up quickly.  I loved the job, the company, and the people. When the job ended I felt a bit lost.

Like with any major loss a support system is vital for going through the grieving process, and without family and friends a major loss seems insurmountable.  Learn to rely on those close to you not only for moral support but also for any potential leads or contacts which may be beneficial.

My daily "job" space
 I have found the best approach is to treat searching for a new job like a job itself.  Set the alarm for a morning time similar to when you were working and shower, dress and have breakfast to start your day.  My "work" days consist of sending out resumes and cover letters, networking via linkedin, and scanning job search sites and local newspapers.

I have also reached out and stayed in touch with previous work contacts and have done some work - writing copy for brochures and websites, creating a marketing plan for a small business - for friends to keep myself from getting rusty.

Hmmm...a new career for me? 
What a nice pilot he was!

Most important, STAY BUSY and make use of your new-found time.  Get a part-time job to supplement your unemployment whether its in your field or not.  Dealing with people on a day to day basis has helped me stay out-going and "on" as I was when attending PR events and giving training sessions while working.  Make a list of all the things around the house you had planned on getting done when you had time.  Make plans to have coffee or lunch with friends you haven't had time to see in a while.  Stay healthy and continue your work-out regimen and make sure to eat!  Sometimes when I get wrapped up on the computer time and meals pass by before you realize it.

Being laid-off isn't the end of the world.  In fact it may lead to an even more fulfilling opportunity, you just need to be patient which isn't easy for me.  So keep your head up and remember this like anything else will pass.

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