Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Now that's a mess! The tale of a cafe, a bottle of syrup and a loose pump

I worked this past Monday morning at the cafe.  In my cleaning frenzy I picked up a bottle of caramel syrup to wash the pump.  Surprise!  The pump was not screwed on.  The bottle fell and hit the floor with a large "clunk".  Amazingly the heavy glass bottle didn't break.

I closed my eyes automatically as caramel scented stickiness flew up in the air and splashed into my face.  I cleaned up the best I could but for the rest of the morning the eyelashes on my left eye stuck together each time I blinked.  My eyebrows were sticky and fine droplets of syrup coated the small amount of hair sticking out of my much-loved (not!) hair net.  About an hour later I glanced down and saw a large syrup cobweb all down the front of my left pantleg.

Once my shift was over I peeled off my hairnet which by now had glued itself to my head and shrugged off my caramel coated smock; and dashed out to my car. 

Having a day like that makes me turn my nose up at caramel!

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