I was laying on the couch last night and the fact that I've been out of work in my career field for 2 years hit me like a brick. I felt nauseous. After years of hard work, dedication and schooling why am I in my current situation?
I love marketing and all it entails. The excitement of a new product launch or event, the gratification from writing a great piece of copy or a newly designed sales slick, the thrill of supervising a shoot and getting a perfect photograph. Day to day interaction with colleagues and vendors. I miss it all.
A lot of colleagues I met at the company I was laid off from are in the same boat at the moment. Sadly today's job landscape offers more opportunity to those with less experience or fresh out of school. Less experience = less salary for the company. I can't count how many times I've been told "you're overqualified for this position" and even "we can't afford you" from a few interviewers.
I do understand the double-edged sword that companies face. On one hand hiring less experienced employees at a lesser salary is good for the bottom line, but what is being sacrificed when it comes to marketing your brand? Are you missing out on opportunities simply because your new employees haven't been around long enough or don't know the right people to know where to find these opportunities? And on the other hand there is the fear that hiring a seasoned employee at a higher salary and spending the time training them may lead to the employee "jumping ship" for more salary or benefits or a better company when the market turns. But the company can also miss out on some well-crafted marketing plans by taking the less expensive approach. With today's economy, many in my position with "too much" experience would be willing to take a salary cut to get in with an excellent company and pay their dues to make their way up the rungs of the corporate ladder.
I have been told many times by many people that I need to be patient and the job for me is out there. Short of sky-writing how am I going to find this job opening and court the company to win the job? I'd even get those tight high heels back on again.
I love marketing and all it entails. The excitement of a new product launch or event, the gratification from writing a great piece of copy or a newly designed sales slick, the thrill of supervising a shoot and getting a perfect photograph. Day to day interaction with colleagues and vendors. I miss it all.
A lot of colleagues I met at the company I was laid off from are in the same boat at the moment. Sadly today's job landscape offers more opportunity to those with less experience or fresh out of school. Less experience = less salary for the company. I can't count how many times I've been told "you're overqualified for this position" and even "we can't afford you" from a few interviewers.

So frustration is my constant companion as of late. And yet another round of resumes, contacting previous colleagues and vendors for potential leads, and burning the midnight oil on job websites ensues.
I have been told many times by many people that I need to be patient and the job for me is out there. Short of sky-writing how am I going to find this job opening and court the company to win the job? I'd even get those tight high heels back on again.
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